The Effect of Smoking in Hair Transplantation
A scientific fact about the effects of quitting smoking before hair transplantation is that regular smoking significantly increases the risk of complications during the operation. The chemicals in cigarettes can cause changes in cell structure and functioning in the body. These harmful chemicals can accumulate in areas such as the respiratory tract and lungs, posing a major threat to health. By stopping smoking, the decrease in the amount of oxygen in the blood improves and the carbon dioxide level decreases. Not smoking before the day of the operation helps to normalize the heart rhythm. Stopping smoking contributes to the return of blood pressure and circulation to ideal levels over time.
The effects of quitting smoking after hair transplantation have a positive effect on the immune system. After quitting smoking, the immune system begins to regulate itself, and a well-functioning immune system reduces the risk of complications. Smoking after hair transplantation can cause narrowing of the vascular pathways and slowing of blood circulation, leading to weak hair follicles and lack of growth. Therefore, it is recommended not to smoke within the first 10 days after hair transplantation. Hair transplant candidates should be aware of the negative effects of smoking and take the necessary precautions to ensure a positive outcome of the hair transplantation process.
The Effect of Alcohol Use on Hair Transplantation
The role of the foods we consume in the nutrition and growth process of hair is of great importance. Healthy nutrition, proper vitamin intake and selection of beneficial foods have a positive effect on hair development. However, alcohol and cigarette consumption can negatively affect this positive effect. Restrictions on alcohol and smoking are generally similar, but there are some differences. For example, alcohol consumption should be stopped one week before the operation. Because alcohol can cause unwanted complications during and after the operation due to its blood-thinning effect. The risk of post-operative bleeding may be higher in those who consume alcohol than others. Full hair growth may take between 2.5-4 months. In order for this process to continue successfully, it is important to take a break from alcohol consumption until recovery is complete after the operation.